Welcome to Sinai Jewish Primary School


19 October 2023
Image of Technology and education – how to strike the right balance

Technology and education – how to strike the right balance

The future of technology in education is a pertinent topic and one, as a Headteacher, that plays on my mind. An Ofcom report in 2023 showed that 50% of the UK’s 9-year olds now own a smartphone and 1 in 5 three- and four-year olds have their own mobile phone. They dubbed it the ‘age o...

13 October 2022
Image of Lesson One: Happiness is the key

Lesson One: Happiness is the key

Happy children, learn well   Sinai  Jewish Primary School is an impressive campus and behind the blue gates over 630 children are enjoying their primary education journey – learning new skills, building friendships and developing independence.   Headteacher, Juliett...

24 February 2022
Image of The importance of knowing each child

The importance of knowing each child

The importance of knowing each child Tailoring learning to support and stretch each child to ensure they are reaching their full potential    Good morning Sammy. Good morning Ava. How are you today Levi?   This is how Headteacher, Juliette Lipshaw, greets the childre...

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