Finger Puppet performance of class text
Our year 1 children are learning the story of Chicken Licken in English and what better way to familiarise themselves with the text than to act it out with their homemade finger puppets. The result was some very impressive acting, reading...
Celebatrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Celebrating all the decades for our special Jubilee street party. Proud to be British and delighted to give the children a very happy memory of a historical event in true Sinai style!
Whole School Torah Assembly
A lovely whole school Torah assembly this morning ahead of Shavuot. We don’t take being able to come together for granted - it’s both memorable and special for the children.
Nursery Make Cheesecake for Shavuot
Our little Nursery bakers very kindly shared their recipe for a yummy and simple Shavuot cheesecake. Swipe for the recipe and to see the results… sprinkles are optional (but always fun!)
Clean Speech Project UK - year 3 session
Rabbi Fine led a meaningful and lovely session about Clean Speech for the year 3 children and their parents. The children were provided with user-friendly materials to study, debate and engage in groups. Lots to think about...
English Learning Walk for Year 4
Year 4 enjoyed an English learning walk around the school to develop their senses and improve their writing. They were noting down what they could see and hear to encourage abstract thinking.
Local Walk for our Reception children
Our Reception children enjoyed a local walk this morning as part of their topic, ‘On Our Doorstep’. They were putting into practise what they have learnt such as being a safe pedestrian, using map skills and looking at nature and...
Lag B'Omer in School
Today we celebrated Lag B’Omer, marking the 33rd day of counting the Omer, and a day of celebration between Pesach and Shavuot. As well as special assemblies in the Hall the children enjoyed various activities during their JS lessons...
Nursery Garden as part of 'Growing' topic
Our Nursery children are really enjoying their 'Growing' topic and have been busy planting and tending to their very own Nursery garden. Now the flowers have been planted the children will observe them, water them and watch them grow!
Year 1 Science Investigation - 'Senses'
Year 1 are doing Science investigations this afternoon. As part of their topic, ‘Animals and Humans’ they are looking at the different senses. Today they looked at sight and were blindfolded and working in pairs, sound using musical...
Monday Mornings at Sinai
What Monday mornings at Sinai Jewish Primary School look like…. Each school day starts with Maths and English lessons - across the whole school. The children were busy, engaged and productive. Happy children learn well.
Reception Wellbeing Spa
Our Reception children donned their dressing gown and slippers for a mini Spa afternoon as part of their PSED topic of looking after our mental health and well-being. They are enjoying mindfulness colouring, drawing what makes them happy, taking...